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Morning Has Broken

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<IMG style="CURSOR: hand" src="" border=0 onclick="viewImage('/wopark/28428977_570x570.jpg');"><BR></P>
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<P align=center><BR><STRONG><FONT color=#d9d8d8>Morning has broken</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P align=center><FONT color=#d9d8d8></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=center><STRONG><FONT color=#d9d8d8></FONT></STRONG>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=center><FONT face= color=#d9d8d8>Morning has&nbsp;<FONT size=2>broken,</FONT> like the first morning </FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT face= color=#d9d8d8>Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird <BR>Praise for the singing, praise for the morning <BR>Praise for the springing fresh from the world <BR><BR>Sweet the rain"s new fall, sunlit from heaven <BR>Like the first dewfall, on the first grass <BR>Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden <BR>Sprung in completeness where his feet pass <BR><BR>Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning <BR>Born of the one light, eden saw play <BR>Praise with elation, praise every morning <BR>God"s recreation of the new day&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT face= color=#d9d8d8><BR>&nbsp;</P></FONT>
<P align=center><FONT face=><BR><FONT color=#d9d8d8>ħ ҽϴ<BR> ħó<BR> ϴ<BR> ó<BR> 뷡 ؿ<BR>ħ ؿ<BR>׵ 󿡼<BR>̱׷ ھƳ մϴ </FONT></FONT></P><FONT face=>
<P align=center><BR><FONT color=#d9d8d8> ó ϰ<BR>ϴ ޺ ޾ ġ ó ̽ó<BR>ó ڶ ſ׿<BR>׺ ڱ <BR>Ϻ ¾<BR> Ǯ ŭ մϴ<BR><BR> ޺ <BR> ħ <BR> ź ѺҴ<BR>ٱ ¾<BR>ħ ġ մϴ<BR> ħ մϴ<BR> ٽ ο Ϸ縦</FONT></P>
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<IMG style="WIDTH: 534px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 266px" height=400 src="" width=602 border=0 [ȳ]±εϵʽϴ-xx[ȳ]±εϵʽϴ-xx[ȳ]±εϵʽϴ-xx[ȳ]±εϵʽϴ-xx[ȳ]±εϵʽϴ-xx[ȳ]±εϵʽϴ-[ȳ]±εϵʽϴ-[ȳ]±εϵʽϴ-[ȳ]±εϵʽϴ-onclick="viewImage('/wopark/25755118_680x457.jpg');"><BR></P>
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<P align=center><FONT face= color=#5c585a><EMBED style="FILTER: xray() LEFT: 88px; WIDTH: 70px; TOP: 1073px; HEIGHT: 24px" src=;filename=0.wma width=70 height=24 type=application/octet-stream loop="2" volume="-200"></FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT face= color=#5c585a></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=center><FONT face= color=#5c585a></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=center><FONT face= color=#5c585a>Morning Has Broken </FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT face= color=#5c585a>With Diana Krall &amp; Art Garfunkel</FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT face=><FONT color=#5c585a>Chieftains ٹ߿</FONT></FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT face=><FONT color=#5c585a></FONT></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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