JavaScript ϴ.
Ϻ ۵ ɼ ֽϴ.





: ģ ٵ ̴° !  
ۼ : Ǽ, : 2005/06/24
ٿ ȵǴµ...  ϳ? ̿, 28ȸΰ? =========================================== ̿ Դϴ. ȸߴ. ݰ. ÷ ˾ƺ ض. 018-366-0083
: ڽ ϽŸ!  
ۼ : , : 2005/06/17
=========================================== Ĵ Դϴ. ׸ Ʈũ ö 鼭 ֱ ÷. ׷ Ÿ ﵵ Ӱ .....
: ذ ־ ϴ.  
ۼ : , : 2005/06/16
ּҷ Ʈ ܵ˴ϴ. ( 鿡Դ ǥõ˴ϴ) ּҷ Ʈ ϵǾ ʴٴ ذ ϴ ּҷϵ ǥð ǵ ġϰڽϴ. մϴ. =========================================== ޴ Դϴ. 18ȸ ѹ Դϴ. Ȩ ּҷϸƮ ϵǾ ִµ Ȩ ּҷ Ʈ ֽϴ.  Ȯ ־ ּ մϴ.
: ä ǥ ϼû  
ۼ : , : 2005/06/16
Ͽϴ. ä ǥ ۵մϴ. ּż 帳ϴ. =========================================== Դϴ. 굿ȣȸ ǥ ʰֽϴ û.
: ּҷ ϴ   
ۼ : , : 2005/06/15
Ͻ Ȯ ľ ü 帮ڽϴ. 켱 ޴ '̵ũ' '' ŬϽø ǥõǴ ߴµ Ͻ ֽϴ. ------------------------------------------------------------ ̵ũ ּҷ 3 ϴ. ù ° ޴ 'ּҷ' 鸸 Ÿ ˴ϴ. ȸ 鿡 ؼ ǥõǴ κԴϴ. ° ޴ 'Ҹּҷ' ڽ ä ȸ ּҰ ǥõǴ Դϴ. '28ȸȸ' ϰ 'Ǿ߱ȸ' ԵǾ ִٸ ȸ Ÿ ˴ϴ. ° ޴ 'ּҷ' ּҷϰ ݵǴ ״ ڽ Էϴ Դϴ. ּҷϿ ߰ ׸ 'add'ư Ŭϸ ּҷ 簡 Ǿ Էϴ ֽϴ. ּҷϿ ̵ Ǿٴ Ƹ ڽ ܿ ٸ ǥõ ʾƼ̰ų(̴ Ģ ̸ ü ּҴ 繫 ϹǷ ãô /Ĺ ø 繫 Ͻø ǰڽϴ), ƴϸ ּҷϿ ڽ ̵ϵ ϴ. ° ⵵ ġ ʾҰų Ÿ ֹιȣ Ͽų Ÿ Ȩ ִ Ȩ Űܿ ߻ ֽϴ. ̵ йȣ Ʒ Ϸ ֽø ȮϿ 帮ڽϴ. ˼մϴ. : =========================================== ڳϴ Դϴ. ּҷϿ ̵ Ǿų ϴ ˷ ּ
: Ϸ Ǿϴ.  
ۼ : , : 2005/06/15
մϴ. =========================================== äȣ Դϴ. ö ˻ ⺰ ˻ ϸ ״ ʹ ü ö ˻ dz׿ ˻ ˻ ǰֽø ڽϴ 1 ˻ (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) ι°
: 亯帳ϴ.  
ۼ : , : 2005/06/13
ä 'ȸ'(⺰ ) 'Ƹ/ģȸ/ŸҸ'(â Ƹ /ȸ , ׿ Ÿ Ҹ) з ϴ. Ͻ â Ƹ ӹ 'Ƹ/ģȸ/ŸҸ' Ե˴ϴ. Ҹ ãư ˷ 帮ڽϴ. 켱 'ä' ϴܿ ä Ʈ ϴ. Ǵ ä ޴ Ʒ ' ä' ϴܿ 'äü' ŬϽø ä ϴ. ű⿡ Ͻô 'ȸ' 'Ƹ/ģȸ/ŸҸ' ŬϽø ش ä ̵Ǹ Ͻø κа ٸ κп ڽ ä ٷ ֵ Ʈڽ ǥõ˴ϴ. ׸ 'ä' ޴ Ʒ ' ä' ϴ. ȸ Ƹ/ģȸ/ŸҸ ̸ ڰ ü(ش ä ) Ǿ ä ϰ ˴ϴ. Ȩ ִ ȸ Ƹ Ӱ ȸ Ȩ ٸ ش 鲲 ä Ͻø ˴ϴ. մϴ. =========================================== Դϴ. £ ٹϸ鼭 Ư ȸ翡 ٹ ϸ鼭 ǰ ȸ ȨǸ 巷 ̾ϴ. ó ã , õ.. ũũũ ׳ ǰ Ȩǿ 32 Ȩǰ ־ 鰣 Ǿϴ. Ѱ ü ȸ Ȩǰ ƽ ϴ ̷ Ȩǰ Ͽ 󸶳 ڱ ϴ., ԰ Ĺ ٽ ѹ 帳ϴ. ⿡ Ҹӹ ã ּ ϰڽϴ. ä ãư ׿.. Ư â Ƹ ӹ и ֽø ã ٵ . ũũ Ź ΰ? 32 ø..
: ڴ..ּҷ ȵ˴ϴ.  
ۼ : , : 2005/06/13
1. ּҷ '߰'׸ add ư ŬϽø ּҷϿ ߰Ͻ ֽϴ(Ʈ ʴ ּҳ ȭ  Բ ͵ ּҷ ٷ ɴϴ - Ǿ Ʈ Դϴ) 2. ּҷ ̵ϸ ڵ ߰ ȮϽ ֽϴ 3. ׸񿡼 ư ŬϿ Ͻ ֽϴ. ׸ ° ä õ κ ϰڽϴ. մϴ. =========================================== Ĵ Դϴ. 1. ּҷϿ ּҷ ϴ. 2. Ҹ 鶧 ⺰ Է ʰ ɼ ְ Ź帳ϴ. Ҹ Ư Բ Ҽ ִµ (OOȸ) ԷѴٸ Ư θ ص ֽϴ.
: ۵ϰ ֽϴ.  
ۼ : , : 2005/06/11
÷ ų ǥõ ʴ κ ϷǾϴ. 29 ä  Ȯ ÷Ͻ ׸ ȮϿϴ. ÷ 뷮 ξϴ. 2M Ѵ ε ߻ ֽϴ. ظ մϴ. մϴ. =========================================== /29 Դϴ. ѱ, ׸ ÷ص ʽϴ.
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<DIV class=inhalt_index><MAP name=FPMap0><AREA title="Johannisburg Palace"
shape=RECT alt="Johannisburg Palace" coords=38,80,151,92
href="objects/as_joh.htm"><AREA title=Pompeiianum shape=RECT alt=Pompeiianum
coords=40,93,110,105 href="objects/as_pom.htm"><AREA title="Sch&ouml;nbusch Palace"
shape=RECT alt="Sch&ouml;nbusch Palace" coords=5,106,73,131
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alt="Ehrenburg Palace" coords=128,46,227,61 href="objects/co_ehren.htm"><AREA
title="Rosenau Palace" shape=RECT alt="Rosenau Palace" coords=235,32,324,43
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alt="Lauenstein Castle" coords=267,8,369,30 href="objects/lauenst.htm"><AREA
title="Plassenburg Castle" shape=RECT alt="Plassenburg Castle"
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title="Veitsh&ouml;chheim Palace" shape=POLY alt="Veitsh&ouml;chheim Palace"
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alt="W&uuml;rzburg Residence" coords=39,143,144,155 href="objects/wu_res.htm"><AREA
title="Marienberg Fortress" shape=RECT alt="Marienberg Fortress"
coords=40,157,143,169 href="uebers/wu_fest.htm"><AREA title="Seehof Palace"
shape=RECT alt="Seehof Palace" coords=184,78,224,99
href="objects/seehof.htm"><AREA title="Bamberg New Residence" shape=RECT
alt="Bamberg New Residence" coords=188,125,271,137
href="objects/bam_res.htm"><AREA title="Old Court Bamberg" shape=RECT
alt="Old Court Bamberg" coords=190,140,271,152 href="objects/bam_hof.htm"><AREA
title="Zwernitz Castle" shape=RECT alt="Zwernitz Castle" coords=231,77,306,88
href="objects/bay_zwer.htm"><AREA title="Oriental Building" shape=POLY
alt="Oriental Building" coords=232,90,273,90,273,99,306,99,305,110,232,110
href="objects/bay_morg.htm"><AREA title="Bayreuth New Palace" shape=RECT
alt="Bayreuth New Palace" coords=313,93,396,105 href="objects/bay_ns.htm"><AREA
title="Margravial Opera House" shape=RECT alt="Margravial Opera House"
coords=312,108,447,119 href="objects/bay_oper.htm"><AREA title=Hermitage
shape=RECT alt=Hermitage coords=313,123,377,134 href="objects/bay_as.htm"><AREA
title="Fantaisie Palace" shape=RECT alt="Fantaisie Palace"
coords=315,137,407,148 href="objects/bay_fant.htm"><AREA
title="Cadolzburg Castle" shape=RECT alt="Cadolzburg Castle"
coords=163,163,222,186 href="objects/nbg_cado.htm"><AREA
title="Rothenberg Fortress Ruins" shape=RECT alt="Rothenberg Fortress Ruins"
coords=269,156,400,178 href="objects/nbg_roth.htm"><AREA title="Imperial Castle"
shape=RECT alt="Imperial Castle" coords=241,194,315,206
href="uebers/nbg_burg.htm"><AREA title="Tucher Palace" shape=RECT
alt="Tucher Palace" coords=241,207,317,220 href="objects/nbg_tuch.htm"><AREA
title="Ansbach Residence" shape=RECT alt="Ansbach Residence"
coords=85,206,194,219 href="objects/ansbach.htm"><AREA
title="Ellingen Residence" shape=RECT alt="Ellingen Residence"
coords=115,224,216,236 href="objects/ellingen.htm"><AREA
title="Willibaldsburg Castle" shape=RECT alt="Willibaldsburg Castle"
coords=144,260,253,284 href="objects/eichsta.htm"><AREA title="Rosenburg Castle"
shape=RECT alt="Rosenburg Castle" coords=248,235,303,256
href="objects/rosenbu.htm"><AREA title="Prunn Castle" shape=RECT
alt="Prunn Castle" coords=315,249,385,259 href="objects/prunn.htm"><AREA
title="Hall of Liberation at Kelheim" shape=RECT
alt="Hall of Liberation at Kelheim" coords=325,261,414,285
href="objects/kelheim.htm"><AREA title="Neuburg Palace" shape=RECT
alt="Neuburg Palace" coords=252,288,340,304 href="objects/neuburg.htm"><AREA
title="H&ouml;chst&auml;dt Palace" shape=RECT alt="H&ouml;chst&auml;dt Palace"
coords=102,312,201,325 href="objects/hoechst.htm"><AREA title="Trausnitz Castle"
shape=RECT alt="Trausnitz Castle" coords=356,318,435,329
href="objects/la_traus.htm"><AREA title="Landshut Town Residence" shape=RECT
alt="Landshut Town Residence" coords=354,331,439,344
href="objects/la_res.htm"><AREA title="Burghausen Castle" shape=RECT
alt="Burghausen Castle" coords=431,360,497,382 href="objects/burghaus.htm"><AREA
title="Schleiheim Palaces" shape=RECT alt="Schleiheim Palaces"
coords=236,329,300,353 href="uebers/schl_ges.htm"><AREA title="Dachau Palace"
shape=RECT alt="Dachau Palace" coords=229,361,278,383
href="objects/dachau.htm"><AREA title="Blutenburg Palace" shape=RECT
alt="Blutenburg Palace" coords=305,347,405,359 href="objects/mu_blut.htm"><AREA
title="Nymphenburg Palaces" shape=RECT alt="Nymphenburg Palaces"
coords=305,360,417,372 href="uebers/nymphbur.htm"><AREA title="Munich Residence"
shape=RECT alt="Munich Residence" coords=306,373,402,384
href="uebers/mu_res.htm"><AREA title="Field Marshal's Hall" shape=RECT
alt="Field Marshal's Hall" coords=306,385,403,396
href="objects/mu_feldh.htm"><AREA title="Hall of Fame and Statue of Bavaria"
shape=RECT alt="Hall of Fame and Statue of Bavaria" coords=305,397,392,418
href="objects/mu_ruhm.htm"><AREA title="Mathias and Anna Gasteiger's House"
shape=RECT alt="Mathias and Anna Gasteiger's House" coords=154,394,242,424
href="objects/gasteig.htm"><AREA title="Rose Island with Royal Villa" shape=RECT
alt="Rose Island with Royal Villa" coords=188,430,266,450
href="objects/feldafin.htm"><AREA title="Herrenchiemsee Palaces" shape=RECT
alt="Herrenchiemsee Palaces" coords=335,438,385,457
href="uebers/herrench.htm"><AREA title="Frauenchiemsee monastery" shape=RECT
alt="Frauenchiemsee monastery" coords=400,416,488,436
href="objects/fr_chiem.htm"><AREA title="Julius Exter's House" shape=RECT
alt="Julius Exter's House" coords=394,438,488,453
href="objects/ub_exter.htm"><AREA title="Kempten Residence" shape=RECT
alt="Kempten Residence" coords=107,445,160,464 href="objects/kempten.htm"><AREA
title="Neuschwanstein Palace" shape=RECT alt="Neuschwanstein Palace"
coords=119,482,211,503 href="objects/neuschw.htm"><AREA
title="Linderhof Palaces" shape=RECT alt="Linderhof Palaces"
coords=243,480,336,492 href="uebers/linderho.htm"><AREA
title="King's House on the Schachen" shape=RECT
alt="King's House on the Schachen" coords=245,498,330,519
href="objects/schachen.htm"><AREA title="St Bartholomew's Church" shape=RECT
alt="St Bartholomew's Church;" coords=354,478,443,504
href="objects/koe_bart.htm"></MAP><IMG height=531 alt="General map"
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<P class=letzter></P>
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<P class=letzter>&nbsp;</P>
<P class=unsichtbar> ѱ&nbsp; Ͽ ̳ ϴ. 19⸻ ̼
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<P class=unsichtbar>ݵ ̿ ġ̳ ȭ ٸ Ưϰ ̰ ٰ մϴ.</P>
<P class=unsichtbar>&nbsp;</P>
<P class=unsichtbar>2(King LudwigII) ̼ ذ Žϸ ٱ׳ʿ͵
츦 ϰ .&nbsp; ٱ׳ DZ "Ϻ " "źȣ" Ƽ긦 ϴ. </P>
<P class=unsichtbar>&nbsp;</P>
<P class=unsichtbar> ϳ Ƕ ִ Ȳݱ&nbsp;̽ùݽŸμ.&nbsp; &nbsp;
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<P class=unsichtbar>&nbsp;</P>
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<DIV align=center><SPAN style="LINE-HEIGHT: 160%"><B>Hans Urgen Hufeisen -
Canon</B><BR><BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;޺ ..<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;
...<BR><BR><EMBED style="LEFT: 10px; WIDTH: 300px; TOP: 143px; HEIGHT: 45px"
src= width=300 height=45
Urgen Hufeisen ̶ ڴ ְԴϴ.<BR>'ѽ ' ̶ а Boulevard
ݻ翡<BR> . <BR><BR>ڴ ڸ Ҿ Ŭİ迡<BR>ڴ , ֺо߸ ǰ
ް ֽϴ</SPAN></DIV>
  • ÷Ͼ

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ڸƮ 1000 ̳ ̳, 500 ̳ ѱ۷ 8α ֽϴ.